My name is Noel, yet I go by Luna

Hey there here’s a little about me, I was born and raised in the DMV area, originally from Northeast, Washington DC, but you hear it from me and i’ll probably say ‘norfeast’ no matter how proper I am lol. I’ve been tattooing since 2018 but i’ve been an artist my entire life. Younger me would’ve never considered herself an artist but that’s where the healing and confidence comes in. Ever since doing my first ever tattoo on myself i’ve been in love with Playing in Ink ever since. This site here is a melting pot of me, my healing and my purpose and I pray that all who come across leave with something that makes them feel whatever they need in that very moment. I’m a healer at heart, at soul whilst healing my heart and soul. You can read blogs written by me about my everyday, my healing journey, opinions and community discussions.

My intention with is to open a space of art and healing, the two things that are biggest to me outside of The Most High here in the physical realm where I know I can step in and authentically be myself and prayerfully help someone else wether through Tattooing and connecting through the sacred energy exchange, reading my journey and being inspired to start/pick back up/continue your own or healing guided meditations with sacred movement.

That’s all I have to share, Love Always


Photo by Shaughn Cooper @shaugncooper


Luna lives and works from Baltimore MD where she hosts community yoga classes, guided meditation and tattoo appointments.

Contact Luna for more info.