My Rising Routine

Yes I say Rising, Rich Rising, Abundant Rising, Rising Routine… Ever since I realized the play on the English language I refuse to say Good morning aka (mourning) every day.

When I wake up I speak abundance over myself (sometimes I get caught up in everyday life, I’m working on it) I have no reason to mourn. And we wonder why so many people are dragging themselves throughout the week, and upset at Monday-Friday because you’re speaking mournfulness over yourself as soon as you wake up. Lets release that habit.

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way lol, hello beautiful people! I’m Luna!

I decided to do my Rising Routine because this is the most important part of our day, the beginning of it.

I always start by thanking the Most High for a new day and saying a prayer over the day even if its a short one, and straight to taking care of my hygiene, brushing my teeth, washing my face and showering if I decided to go straight to bed the night before.

Then I go straight to my meditation room, sometimes I struggle with grabbing my phone to check emails and or socials/contact my loved ones. but on a great day I go straight into a short meditation (working my way up to 45 mins +) I always greet God when stepping into that room and I check on my snakes. I currently have 4 total :).

Currently im studying a book titled Healing Mudras by Yogi Nataraj, and it has a list of meditation practices I enjoy and apply as much as I can throughout my week.

Following that honey I try my best to drink key lime water but if not I'll ll just drink my spring water and call it a day, pack my lunch get dressed to start off my day.

Im currently working on a schedule to wake up a little earlier closer to 7am instead of 9:30am to practice longer meditation once I wake up, and I easily fall asleep around 10-11pm at night as long as I didn’t stay up on my phone leading up to the time I sleep.

Some Advice I can give if you’re waking up still super sluggish/ hard to fall asleep.

  1. Save the hour before sleep and the hour after you wake up for your Self, do not touch your phone, I can’t say that enough. I can understand in todays age its super difficult for most of us to do this but its crucial to our sleep health because having a dopamine rush/ roller coaster of thoughts and emotions right before you sleep and or wake up is just not healthy. Think about it like this, as your mindlessly scrolling or checking your bank account (unless your quickly celebrating your savings) or having an emotional inner dialogue because of something you’ve seen or read you allow your brain, (subconscious and conscious) no time to wind down and refresh before sleeping and starting your day. the thoughts you pick up will carry with you and you can notice this by headaches, lightheadedness, lack of patience, getting angry easily, overly empathetic etc.

  2. If not already in place get into the habit of brushing your teeth and washing your face not only when you wake up but before you sleep, not everyone does this because not everyone had the best parental guidance and had certain things instilled and that’s okay. Taking care of hygiene before you sleep promotes a refreshing sleep and wake, wash your pillow cases and covers frequently as well keep the space you sleep as clean as possible. A clean bedroom promotes a clear head space.

  3. Always keep lavender and chamomile in your home cabinetry for tea on nights its hard to fall asleep, its even better and most potent when you have the fresh or dried herbs stored in an air tight glass jar. Bring to a boil and sip it with honey or agave before bed. When I tell you chefs kiss good!!! And it knocks you out + it doesn’t matter the age, for children (if you have any) I’d recommend putting this in a syringe like medicine instead of over the counter medicines. I used it on my 3 year old brother and he was out in 20 minutes!

    Lastly try your best starting today to bring yourself into the present moment through out the day, I find being present and fully aware throughout the day allows my body much more peace which in my opinion provides peace when its time to sleep, being on the go and in a rush all day moves along with you at night until your body has no choice but to crash, (not ideal). I pray this helps I’m sure it will! enjoy it remember to breathe deeply, you got this.

Thanks for reading.

love always,



10 days of silence and 100 + hours of meditation


Productive Habits